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Stinging Insect Identification & Prevention

What are stinging insects?

Wasps, hornets, carpenter bees, and other types of bees are all stinging insects. It's easy to see where their name comes from, especially after a sting from one.

Although we group these pests, they vary depending on the species:

  • There are many types of bees, including carpenter bees. Bees are pollinators and often seen as less aggressive than other stinging insects. They have a more robust body than wasps and hornets. Carpenter bees are a solitary species, so they don't live in colonies or build large nests.
  • Wasps are pollinators but also predators, feeding on other insects. They are identifiable by their narrow waist and black and yellow appearance.
  • Hornets are similar to wasps but usually larger and not as brightly colored. Instead, hornets are typically white and black.

If you have difficulty identifying the stinging insects on your property, a Bronx pest control expert can help.

Are stinging insects dangerous?

Although one sting from a wasp, bee, or hornet is painful and can result in swelling, they are not necessarily dangerous to people because they don't spread diseases like other common household pests. However, some people are allergic to stinging insects and can suffer a severe reaction or even anaphylaxis from one sting.

Generally, wasps are more aggressive than bees, but hornets are more aggressive than wasps. Also, social species are more likely to attack than solitary species.

In most cases, stinging insects will leave you alone if you leave them alone.

Why do I have a stinging insect problem?

Stinging insects may gravitate to your property if there are food sources like plant nectar or prey pests. They may also find a place that provides protection to build a nest there. 

Where will I find stinging insects?

As flying insects, you may find bees, wasps, and hornets in all different places on residential properties. It will often depend on the species you are dealing with. For example, carpenter bees don't build nests but bore a hole into weathered wood.

Other types of stinging insects prefer to nest in places like underground cavities, stumps, or places like garbage cans.

How do I get rid of stinging insects?

The safest way to handle a stinging insect problem is with the assistance of pest control experts, and residents of the Bronx can contact Caliber Pest Service.

Our residential pest control starts by inspecting your property and talking to you about our findings and what prevention methods you can use to help keep pests away. Then we will target areas where pests are active. 

You can get one-time pest treatments or a long-term program, depending on your needs. 

Call us at Caliber Pest Service to get started.

How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?

With Caliber Pest Service, you can ensure any stinging insect nests are removed from your property safely and even get assistance deterring these pests. But it's also essential to address any conducive conditions on your property to stop stinging insects from building nests in the first place. You can do this by using these tips:

  •  Keep your yard clear of debris, which can provide a place for these pests to nest.
  • Remove dead trees, stumps, and logs from your yard.
  • Fill in any ground holes on your property.
  • Plant marigolds, basil, mint, rosemary, lemongrass, and other plants that stinging insects don't like.
  • Remove weathered or decaying wood from your property.
  •  Keep gardens and your lawn maintained to reduce prey insect populations.

For more prevention tips, contact Caliber Pest Service

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